Who am I?

Welcome to my blog launched in January 2019. My name is Jane Chelliah. I am Tamil by descent and was born and brought up in Asia. I have lived in the UK for 38 years. I have started this blog because I wish to add to the chorus of Indian Asian feminist voices that are starting to be heard following the mainstreaming of the #metoo movement in our culture.

But my voice goes further than this. It also wishes to be heard about the intersectionalities that the Indian female diaspora has to grapple with. If, like me, you live in the Western world the issues that we face on a constant basis involve trying to mesh the culture that we were brought up in with the new ones of our adopted country. This blog explores these cultural-identity issues that arise.

I hope you enjoy my blog posts. I can be contacted at indianfeministmum@gmail.com.

I also blog at ambitiousmamas on politics, race, wellbeing and feminism.

I am a contributor to Feminism in India and you can find my articles here.
Sample of my articles below.
I blogged about European issues for Diem25 which is a movement founded by Yanis Varoufakis, the ex-finance minister for Greece, for progressive democrats.
I co-host a radio programme on feminism on the last Wednesday of every month at K2K Radio.
I wrote a chapter titled ‘Austerity and Gender Neutrality: The Excluding of Women and Mothers from Public Policy in the UK’ in a journal titled ‘Mothering in the age of neoliberalism’ published by MIRCI.
Jane Chelliah with Yanis Varoufakis, former finance minister of Greece and co-founder of DiEM25
Jane Chelliah in the middle with her radio co-hosts on K2K Radio Station
I am the UN UK Women’s representative on GAPS for UN Resolution 1325
Mother activism on the rise in ‘Occupy.Com’: http://www.occupy.com/article/mother-activism-rise#sthash.prjnixxd.dpbs
I was also featured in a list of influential women in the world: http://ambitiousmamas.blogspot.co.uk/2016/06/my-inclusion-in-red-elephants-list-of.html
I was on the political committee that produced a paper titled: ‘The Purpose for Politics: Quality of Life”
I was a co-author of a political paper called: ‘Age Ready Britain’
I have presented papers on feminist mothering in Toronto, Lisbon and at the University of London.
I graduated in 2018 with a Merit in my Postgraduate Diploma in International Relations from the London School of Economics. Politics is my passion. My other passion is my daughter Maelo aged 19 who figures in many of my blog posts.

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